This verse from St Paul`s letter to the Philippians exactly sums up my memories of my friendship with Jeanne. This began in the 1980s when she joined me as a leader of the "Jucos" Bible class for 10- to 12 year old girls at Rayners Lane Baptist Church, Harrow. Before then she had been Brown Owl of one of their brownie packs. We gradually got to know one another as we shared the teaching and planning of activities for our group. We also saw each other regularly at church.
Jeanne always had a calm and gentle manner, sustained by her strong Christian faith. Professionally she was a midwife and tutor. On her retirement from the NHS she was approached by the Africa Inland Mission to take up a midwifery teaching post at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. This was perhaps outside her comfort zone but she recognised it as a call from the Lord. She served for 3 years and found it a rewarding experience.
When she moved from Rayners Lane to Cheddington we kept in touch. In the spring we regularly met up at Ashridge (NT) to see the bluebell woods, and I occasionally visited her in her bungalow. After I was widowed we went on several holidays together.
I was saddened when increased dementia meant she had to go into care. I felt I had lost a faithful and loving friend who had given me a lot of support.. When I am called home, I look forward to meeting her again.